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www.rhetorik.ch aktuell: (23. Mai, 2016)

Technikfortschritt visualisiert

Rhetorik.ch Artikel zum Thema:
Auf "Science alert "sind ein paar Bilder zu sehen, die auf ikonenarte Weise klarmachen, wie schnell die Technologie Fortschritte macht. Ein Beispiel: In wenigen Jahren ist die Kapazität von kleinen Speicherkarten ums 1000 Fache gestiegen:

20 Min:
Harddisks, so gross wie alte Kühlschränke und PCs, die gegen heutige Smartphones keinen Stich haben. Eine Zeitreise durch die Tech-Geschichte.
Quelle: Science Alert:
Sometimes, while waiting for quantum computers to become a thing, or complaining that your stupid laptop keeps dying on 5 percent battery, it's easy to forget just how far technology has come over the past 50 years. Sure, we can all list off a whole bunch of innovations that have changed the way the world works - the Internet, smartphones, radio telescopes - but it's hard to really put that kind of change into perspective. Thankfully, pictures often speak louder than words, and so below are nine photos that'll make you stop and raise your "praise hand" emojis to the sky in honour of the scientists and engineers that have got us where we are today. Because living in a world where you can have your food delivered, relive the entire history of the Universe, and search for new particles all using a device in your pocket is really awesome.

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